We are firmly convinced that our faith should not be limited to Sunday services alone: We want to carry our faith into everyday life, where we are at home. That's why many of us meet regularly during the week in smaller groups (5-12 people), usually at someone's home or sometimes in the park or on the beach.
The exchange about biblical topics and the fellowship with others are the focus here.
Our small groups are open groups, where everyone is welcome to come in without being taken over. Silence is also allowed. Whether in one of our student small groups or in your own neighborhood - we are happy to help you find a small group that suits you! Just contact us after the service or write Matthias an email.
Each small group has its own character, but you will find what is important to us in each group:
No one wants to become smaller and weaker - we want to grow! Together we help each other to trust more, to live faith more courageously and to understand the Bible even better.
Barbecuing together, strolling through the Christmas market or chilling on the beach: In a small group you will find people who share the same passion as you and also want to do something together.
Where the church service may be too anonymous for you, it can also become more personal in the small group. We celebrate the positive things in life together and carry each other through more difficult times.
In life and in faith, it is anything but crystal clear. We, and certainly you, have questions that occupy us. House groups offer the perfect setting to search for answers together.
Being there for one another is an essential point in our faith. It becomes very practical when we can help each other. In small groups, the individual is not overlooked and you can always find someone to ask.
It is not only about what a small group can give you or how it can support you - you yourself are needed! You shape a group, encourage others and enrich with your kind, as you are with all corners and edges.